So, remember when we spilled the tea on the scandalous secrets of dry shampoos? Well, fear not, dear reader! We've got the top-secret formula for you to whip up your very own!
Alrighty then, let's start by laying down the groundwork for a base that's not just a wishy-washy mess. And then, brace yourself for some mind-blowing tips to take your customization game to the next level. Get ready to unleash your inner mad scientist!
Get your hands on a small GLASS jar with a lid and let's dive into action!
- 1 Tablespoon of Arrowroot (could also use cornstarch)
- 1 Tablespoon of Baking Soda
- 1 teaspoon of Bentonite Clay
- 1/8 teaspoon Apple Cider Vinegar
- 1 teaspoon Coco Powder (if you choose to do so) *
- 4 drops of Essential Oils (suggestions below, but dealer’s choice) *
*These are optional
Press the mixture of arrowroot, baking soda and bentonite clay together as to not disturb the activation.
NOW, here's the fun part...
- Add coco powder (we love raw cacao powder, organic of course) you can use less or more depending on your hair color. But who doesn't love the smell of chocolate!?
- Add about 4 drops of essential oil (we love young living but your hair your choice)!
Lastly, gradually drizzle in Apple Cider Vinegar while observing the activation process.
Store in the glass container, with a lid. Find your favorite "make up" brush, we like a powder or kabuki brush and apply to roots/scalp (a little goes a long way).
**Get creative, but here are our TOP five Essential Oils**
We won't bore you will ALL the benefits of each but here's a hint to get you started into the right direction.
Rosemary- Moroccan - Hair Growth
Cedarwood-Himalayan - Helps to cleanse, rebalance the natural oils in your hair, and combat fungal or bacterial infections
Peppermint - Because who doesn't like Chocolate and Peppermint together
Lavender-Bulgarian - Protects your scalp from germs thanks to its potent antibacterial and antiseptic characteristics
Thyme - Eases inflammation affecting your scalp and hair follicles to help improve dandruff symptoms
Alright, who's out there frantically checking their pantry to see if they can work their magic with this DIY non-toxic Dry Shampoo recipe right this second? Spill the beans on how much you adored it and shout if you want more of this DIY non-toxic recipes in your life!
Easy to make, love rosemary for hair growth